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10 Essential Yoga Exercises for Beginners to Boost Flexibility and Mindfulness

Yoga exercises

Do you want to shed light on your yoga as a novice, for having more practice, and receiving flexibility? Yoga exercises are an excellent method of attaining increased flexibility, balance ability, and outstanding mental alertness. This is a series of yoga stretches that are chosen wisely so you don’t struggle too much with the beginner’s set of yoga. 

Well then, take your yoga mat, clear your space, and let’s dive into these base yoga postures for greater flexibility.

1. Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

This is a dynamic stretch that twists, by performing two yoga postures that start preparing the spine and monochrome. This is mandatory for any first-time practicing yoga and has the added benefits of loosening up the neck and the shoulders.

How to Do It: 

One should begin with a prostrate position with forearms resting on the floor/wrists resting on the floor and knees resting on the floor over the hips. When you breathe in, draw your naval downwards towards the mat while at the same time raising your head and tailbone up for the Cow pose. 

For the Cat pose; during the inhale tuck your chin and curve your spine backward while on the exhale. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.

2. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

A nice, gentle back stretch, Child’s Pose is a position where you can catch your breath after several moves at the beginning or end of a yoga stretch.

How to Do It: 

Starting from this position, sit down on your heels, and join your hands down to the ground with your fingers wide and straight. Lie on your belly and let your head [the movement] lightly [place itself upon] the floor mat. Hold for 5 deep breaths.

3. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Both high and low plagioseboischial are included in this basic stretch in home yoga exercise which further tones up the arms.

How to Do It: 

 kneel on your hands and knees as you bend your knees, pull your toes backward, and try to raise your hips towards the roof. If your hamstring is tight, try to keep a very slight bend in your knees. Press through your palms and drop your head forward. Hold for 5 breaths.

4. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

This is a soft fold that helps to correct the hamstrings, and spine, and introduce fresh blood to the head while calming down the mind.

How to Do It: 

Sit tall; feet on the width of your shoulder; then squat down as you begin to drop the upper body forward by bending the hips. If that feels better clasp the opposite elbows and now and then take 5 slow breaths.

5. Warrior II  (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior II improves the leg muscles and tilts the hips establishing a firm foundation.

How to Do It: 

From a standing position lean forwards with one foot and place the other foot slightly turned outwards. Raise your arms straight in the front with your hands and then try to look at the palms of your hands which must be placed on the extended front hand that you have already moved. Take five slow breaths and then turn over onto another side.

6. Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

This lunge is a great home yoga exercise since it tends to get shorter with time due to sitting most of the time.

How to Do It: 

Take one step ahead and slide the back knee down to the ground. It is important to lift the chest while raising the arm up to the head level, ideally touching the ceiling. Wait for five breathing exercises on each side.

7. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Triangle Pose is specifically considered as an exercise that targets flexibility muscles, where the buttocks, hamstring, and legs get a nice, good stretch hence forming a core part of a yoga sequence. Flexibility muscles refer to those muscles whose primary function is to bend the body.

How to Do It: 

 Make your legs as wide apart as comfortable, turn the right foot out, lower your head, and touch your foot – shin or ankle. Bend the opposite arm up until your shoulders are aligned on top of each other. Count to 5 ask your client to switch sides.

8. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

This simple back-bending pose is beneficial in expanding the chest, firming the gluteal muscles, and making the spine more pliant.

How to Do It: 

Start in a lying position with the knees bent and feet about a fist’s width apart. Squeeze your feet down and raise your hips; you can hold the backs of your thighs together if you want to. Wait for five breaths then let go.

9. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

One of the best stretches for the hamstrings and the spine, Seated Forward Fold puts a contemplative air to your mellow introductory yoga asanas.

How to Do It: 

Sit with your legs extended. Extend forwards and grab youshinsankles or feet with your hands, as you exhale to lengthen your spine to the skies. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

10. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Any given yoga sequence isn’t at all completed without performing Savasana. This last position in the practice is to enable the body to reap the benefits of Shilalyasana and indubitably offers deep relaxation.

How to Do It: 

Then you should lay flat on your back with arms and legs adequately stretched. Relax your mind and body now, take a deep breath, and close your eyes. Stay here for 5-10 minutes.

Start Your Journey Today!

By practicing these beginner Yoga practices, you have all the powerful poses you need to develop a firm base of yoga without necessarily having to go to a specialized center. All these yoga postures should be practised and you are sure to experience a change in the aspect of flexibility or balance.

These 10 yoga poses are perfect for any beginner who is out for cheap exercises that will improve his/her flexibility and also accept a new kind of body fitness.


1. What are the best yoga exercises for beginners?

The ideal types of yoga for starters are: ‘the Mountain Pose,’ Downward Dog, ‘the Cat-Cow,’ ‘Child Poses,’ and ‘Cobra Poses.’

2. How does yoga help in flexibility and balance?  

Yoga indeed keeps and elongates muscles because it works on the posture, strengthens the core and over time tightens the muscles to help in Flexibility and balance.

3. Is it possible to practice yoga for a beginner at home?  

First of all, begin with some online Yoga videos or tutorials or use basic Yoga apps for the phone and start solely with children’s poses.

4. Which yoga position is safe for a first-timer in yoga?  

The Mountain Pose is a basic pose and is particularly inexpensive for beginners because the movements do not require any skill set.

5. How often should a beginner practice yoga if he or she wants to see results?  

For the first timers, they must practice yoga thrice a week to rub the cosmetic effects of the exercise in such aspects as flexibility, strength, and relaxation.

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